Sunday 28 August 2011

The Peacock twin chairs

  Every project we work on is a learning experience. Each has its own set of challenges, and its been exciting to work through them. It may seem strange to take on furniture restoration when we have other hobbies and interests, but the neat thing about this is that it all seems to tie together. Dave's background with woodworking and his creative eye, along with my background in illustration and photography blend nicely with this venture. It helps that we both have a love for design and antiques as well. Also worth mentioning, that it's great for the environment! Most of the pieces we acquire are sitting on the curb in front of someones home waiting for the garbage truck, or offered on FreeCycle. It's great to see the potential in a piece, and then see it come to fruition.

  The peacock chairs were from FreeCycle. They didn't look like much when we picked them up. In fact, I was toying with the idea of not working on them and moving on to something else. When we took a closer look, we realized that they were originally hand carved by the Chesley Chair Company in Ontario, Canada. It's great to come across 'Canadian' made furniture. They have been repainted in primer-red and reupholstered with a Waverly screen print fabric. The paint colour and distressed highlights are a perfect match with the pattern. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do...

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