Saturday 24 May 2014

Spanner, Part 2

We originally came across three of these chairs at a garage sale. Two were in good shape, and the third had a lot of issues. It looked like it fell off the back of a truck, so we decided to just salvage the two good ones and use the third for parts if needed. After working on the pair we realized that the third was worth a revival attempt, so we repaired the areas of wood that were in rough shape. I decided to paint the chair black and go for a more bold look this time around. I think the original factory colour may have been black. After sanding down the brown glossy paint, we found black underneath. We're very happy with the result. Goes to show you just how durable these Spanner chairs are. Check out the before and after photos.

Canadian designer Russell Spanner, Catalina collection, Circa 1952

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